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About Me

practitioners), Intuitive therapies, message therapy and various high-tech alternative therapies.  Additionally, there are multiple spiritual retreat centers, metaphysical shops, and health and wellness spas. One might wonder why, of all places, cities like Phoenix or Sedona are home to such a vibrant and vast holistic healing culture; the short answer to that would be the land and the energy that is a part of the land.  I firmly believe much of this land is sacred in its own right and is connected to unique earth frequencies that align with our own chakra system. These concentrated areas of unique earth frequencies are often referred to as vortexes or vortices, locations I playfully consider to have"untamed high vibes".


I consider myself an "energy girl", specifically, an Earth Intuitive. I have had a strong affinity for nature since I was very young, thanks to parents who made it a priority to regularly travel and explore our country's incredible national and state park systems.  This affinity grew over the years through my own higher consciousness development/spiritual awakening journey. This affinity has since morphed into a deeper connection with Mother Earth, a connection to which I now identify as an Earth Intuitive


These blogs are a testament of my own personal experiences while spending time in or connecting with vortexes. I find many vortexes purely through intuition and have been able to identify the corresponding chakra energies within my body that were positively influenced by said vortex. In fact, Earth's vortexes or vortices, has been pivotal for me in my healing journey from extensive traumas. My healing journey has been a hybrid of western medicine along with holistic healing methods such as sound healing, breathwork, Yoga, and other various forms of holistic healing methods.


Something that I feel that is severely underrepresented in holistic healing (and society in general) is our human connection to Mother Earth.  With the evolution of technology and other elements of our societal structures, like mass food production, we have become gravely disconnected from Mother Earth.  She (Mother Earth) has so much to offer and share, but we have to be willing to listen and go through the experience of healing ourselves. 


As humanity navigates through mass consciousness awakening, I feel it's important to share such valuable insight into the possibilities of Earth's vortexes.  I hope to inspire folks to get back in touch with nature and build a strong connection with Mother Earth, just as our ancestors had.  She (Mother Earth) has so much to offer from the holistic healing perspective.  She has special energy reserves for all of us as we descend into our traumas to heal, learn, and grow and also as we strive to ascend into our highest selves/consciousness.


This blog is dedicated to anyone who is on their healing journey or anyone who wishes to travel to these destinations and I hope it serves as a navigation tool for holistically connecting with Mother Earth.  Chances are, if you are reading this, you may feel a tug at your heart to check out some of the locations I write about. 


I am a master-level quantum energy practitioner, a Certified Yoga teacher, a Health/Spiritual Coach with a deep passion for higher consciousness development. I also do public speaking engagements on the benefits of holistic healing from trauma and divine feminine empowerment. 


If you are interested in learning more details or specifics around these vortexes or any of my services, you can reach out to me to schedule a consultation call at xxx-xxx-xxxx or  


Contact Me




I, like many others, am a transplant to the stunningly beautiful state of Arizona. Arizona has been calling me for a long time, acting as a magnet to my heart since I was a kid. Since moving here, I have met a lot of folks who were also transplants to Arizona and it has amazed me just how many of these transplants also feel as though they were "pulled" or "called" here, just like me.  This magnetic "pull" for me was intertwined with the need for the emersion of various forms of holistic/alternative healing. 


One could consider the greater Phoenix area or a city like Sedona, a mecca for holistic/alternative/metaphysical healing.  There is a plethora of healing practitioners that do sound baths, breathwork, Yoga (and its multiple variations of practice), nature therapy, Reiki/Energy work, Naturopathic therapies (Arizona is home to the largest amount of licensed and regulated Naturopathic   



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